Gardening Services in Old Colwyn

Your local Gardener in Old Colwyn

For your gardening needs please use the Free Estimates form you will find it here and I will get back to you.

We offer the following gardening services as follows:

If you would like to leave a message about your gardening needs you can contact me here

You can also contact me by email. as I respond to all emails every evening


In Old Colwyn is an area of woodland called the 'Fairy Glen'. This area of woodland is said to contain many different spirits including fairies, hence its name, which dates from the Victorian era and is a common name from that period. 

This area has recently undergone a regeneration with funding from the council and it is now possible to walk through it easily. The Fairy Glen is subject to an ownership dispute between Conwy County Borough Council and the water company, Dŵr Cymru, each claiming that the maintenance of the area is the responsibility of the other.

Old Colwyn was once overlooked by the Hotel 70 Degrees, (just above Tan-y-Lan) so named because the architect who designed it used 70 degree angles in its construction. Built in 1972, it was demolished in 2007, to be replaced by a housing development. It also has easy access onto the promenade and beach, as well as a protruded cliff area known as Penmaenhead (found in climbing books for 7 routes) marked by a disused stone utility house. This is a popular spot amongst teenagers for the dangerous practice of "cliff jumping" when tide is in and the water is deep enough, though to date nobody has been hurt.