General Information image
Gardening Services Prices
For getting a price on gardening work on your garden you can use the Free Estimate form, or send some pictures by email ( for a quick price. But until I actually visit your garden for you to show me what you require doing, it will be only then I will be able to give you a firm price for the work.
Once I have viewed your garden and know what requires to be done you will get a written estimate following my visit.
I will give you a call one or two days later after you have time to think it over.

How and When Do You Pay
There is no advance payment, we carry out the work first.
Payment are only accepted by Direct Debit, I use Gocardless because you only have to set it up once, you are notified in advance on which day the money is taken out of your account, giving you plenty of time to check the correct amount is being withdrawn. You are also covered as in the UK, you are fully protected under the Direct Debit Guarantee.
You can cancel the Direct Debit Mandate at any time, for example, through your online banking.
GoCardless is ISO 27001 accredited, (ISO 27001 is a widely recognized, internationally accepted standard for information security). It is also authorized by the UK Financial Conduct Authority to provide payment services as an Authorized Payment Institution across the European Union.
If you want to know more about Direct Debit with Gocardless as the payer please click here.

Bank Account Details:
Nat West
Bank Account: 27219321
Sort Code: 52-21-43

If we carry out work that require materials to be bought, then an appropriate amount of money from the agreed price will be required to be paid up front to cover cost of the materials once they have been delivered.

What Should You Do If You Cannot Pay
If you have recieved a service and cannot pay, inform us immediately if you cannot pay so we can stop your next service so you do not get into debt.
Discuss with us what you would like to do, you will not be on a contract with us, you will always have the freedom to chose what type of service you require and how regular you require it.

Access to Your Property 
We will inform you of when we are coming to service your garden, if we cannot gain access being the gate is locked or vehicle blocking the gate, there will be a charge of £15 to cover travelling cost.

How Are You Protected
We hold a £5,000,000 public liability insurance for our Gardening Maintenance Services, we take public safety and the safety of your garden and grounds very seriously.

Registered Waste Carrier
First Cut Gardening Services is a registered waste carrier with Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru / Natural Resources Wales under the founders name.
Registration Number is: CBDL016405.
This license does not cover invasive plant species removal, if we do identify any invasive plant species in your property we will inform you, but we will not be able to carry out any gardening work in the area where the invasive plant species is growing.

It is not our responsibility ensure ground conditions are clear of toys, trampolines, bicycles, tent pegs, string, fencing, wire etc. We use dangerous and fast moving equipment ( mowers, strimmers etc.). If you have agreed to our service fee, we will have emailed you back with your service day, it is your responsibility to make sure as reasonably practicable that the garden and lawn is ready for us to work on. We will visually check the garden before we start but if a stone / toy / tent peg etc. is thrown up and causes damage physical or structural- window, car etc. First Cut Gardening Services will not be held responsibility.

Working Area
We cannot stress enough that no children and animals should be in the garden while we are working. The powered equipment we use rotates at an incredible speed and is fairly noisy, it will take our full concentration in operating the machinery, it is the responsibility of the parents/owners/guardian to ensure no person or animal comes into our working area. As a result we cannot be held responsible for any injury sustained, and as not to get to this point, if we are unable to be left alone we will leave, and we shall decide if we shall return.

Animal Waste
On my intial viewing of your garden if there is obvious non-cleaning of animal feces from your garden I am afraid you will not be even supplied with an estimate..
I need to keep my equipment clean for the next customers garden I will be working in, also the health and wellbeing of myself and any operatives assisting me need to be protected from being subjected to animal waste.
It is your responsibility to pick up the waste and dispose of it away from our working area. If I start working for you and the conditions become worse with uncollected animal waste I have the right to refuse to carry that immediate service with suspension of any further services.